Long Term Media | Gewista
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Always visible with information boards.

The fastes way to your customers.


Inofmration boards in public spaces: 

  • Regional
  • Practical
  • In sight around the clock
Dauerwerbung Hinweistafel neu mit 3D Text

Long Term Media

Advertising panels with permanent presence in public spaces.

New trends come and go, fleeting moments in an ephemeral world. Messages and motifs are usually subject to rapid change and benefit from the high degree of flexibility of our outdoor advertising carriers. Yet there is certain information that needs a longer-lasting basis for communication: companies drawing attention to their location, for instance, or cultural event organisers wanting to publish their program. They need long term advertising forms that are eye-catching, efficient and clearly visible to one and all. They have a need for long-term forms of advertising. The benefits of long-term advertising can be easily described: It impresses with an eye-catching, efficient, easily visible to everyone, lasting advertising presence on panels with different formats throughout Austria!

We have the right solution for everyone: long-term bookings for panels and banners guarantee a permanent presence for small and large companies alike – akin to public business cards, they get across the information that counts, concisely and to the point. Advertising panels in the area of long-term advertising are not only important means of conveying information, but also valuable signposts. Long-term advertising also creates a permanent brand presence in public spaces. This applies, particularly, to panels on the platforms in the metro and escalators in stations. At these significant, frequency-heavy terminals, the advertising options ensure high contact numbers.

Do you need a poster panel for a longer period of time? No problem. It is also possible to rent billboard panels in a complete format for extended periods of time and to give them a customised appearance for the duration. Overhead panels are also a very effective eye-catcher. Positioned above billboards they offer space for slogans and snippets of information with far-reaching visibility guaranteed. Our range of long term advertising signs is extensive and we are happy to take the work off the client’s hands with the Gewista Full Service!

City Light – Information Boards and Information Boards

The benefits of our information boards at a glance:
Does the situation seem familiar? You are on foot or on the move in your vehicle and pressed for time and looking for a specific destination! You sense a certain direction but don’t know the way exactly? It’s in just such moments that our information boards and City Light information boards kick into action. A saving glance at the information boards helps you quickly on your way.

Arrows and meter distance indicators are among the most important design elements on the so-called information boards. Not everyone knows the name of this permanent advertising form, but with a more detailed description of the 80/20 cm panels, it quickly becomes clear what the discussion is about. Information boards can be found in virtually every street in Vienna and its surroundings and, in addition to their advertising effect, point you in the right direction. Fast recognition of the logo, address and direction quickly shows you where to go. Our directional, outdoor advertising brings your target group quickly and easily to you.

City Light panels are part of our permanent advertising forms and, in addition to their function as knights in shining armour, play an important role in the continuous image building of shops, businesses and restaurants, in the most prominent locations. And the best part? Clients benefit from favourable conditions that make the medium affordable to those with limited budgets in the outdoor advertising field.

Book long-term advertising

Do you want to benefit from the advantages of continual long-term advertising? Then, here you will find further information about booking and price details. We are happy to answer any questions you may have!