MJAM relies on OOH expertise from Gewista | Gewista
  • En-De

Vienna, May 30, 2022: Austria's Out-of-Home advertising market leader Gewista brings to the streets the 360° brand campaign of the delivery service company MJAM, one of the largest online ordering platforms for food in Austria.  

The advertising displays adorn, among others, City Lights, Megaboards and, also, exclusively, a very prominent Vienna public transport waiting hall in the Gewista "Total Look."
In addition to billboards and streetcar branding, the MJAM online delivery service campaign also places the main focus of the two-week campaign in the waiting hall directly on the Vienna Opera Ring.  With the Gewista Total Look branding, this location becomes the "MJAM stage" for the campaign.  A large-scale installation on nearby Stephansplatz rounds out the campaign.  

Yumi Yokoyama, senior marketing director at MJAM parent company foodpanda, sees great added value in the collaboration with Gewista. "We are pleased to be making a statement with this campaign. We know that this mix of advertising media is convincing and impactful. This is confirmed by the acquisition of more and more new customers, and by repeat customers who shop with us again," he said.

Brand experience -- directly impacts the target groups

The attention-grabbing 360° branding campaign differentiates itself primarily through individual messaging, which is adapted by channel to each specific target group.  In order to integrate the brand experience of the online delivery service MJAM into the everyday life of the target group, an extensive mix of Gewista OOH advertising media was utilized. With the placement of the targeted message at the right time in the right place, customers and potential, new customers are reached with impact.

"The OOH presence perfectly rounds out this year's 360° MJAM brand campaign.  With this extensive visualization, we create an enormous reach and at the same time sustainably increase brand awareness for this online delivery service client.  Thanks to the selection of the strategic location of the highly frequented Opera Ring bus stop shelter and the booking of our other, complementary advertising media, both new and potential customers can experience the MJAM brand close-up in everyday life," emphasizes Andrea Groh, Chief Sales Officer at Gewista.

With more than 350 employees, the Gewista Group is one of the largest media companies in Austria and the market leader in the Out-of-Home advertising category. The company is majority-owned by the world market leader JCDecaux.  

The Group's business segments are divided into three areas: 
1. Billboard (classic poster), 2. Street Furniture (Rolling Board, City Light) and 3. Transport Media (subway advertising and advertising spaces on streetcars and buses). 

The focus in all three segments is on digitization and innovation. With new digital tech possibilities, such as the booking platform "VIOOH," Gewista is heralding a paradigm shift in the Digital Out-of-Home sector and setting new standards in Austria.  The company is constantly expanding its offerings and has, for example, established the "Shopping Center Advertising" division for Austria's largest shopping centers.  Gewista also pursues a public value strategy, which includes, among other things, the installation of life-saving defibrillators in public spaces. In Austria, the Gewista Group includes OOH specialists such as KULTURFORMAT, MEGABOARD and INFOSCREEN.

v.l.n.r. Andrea Groh (Gewista), Michael Reiser (Gewista),  Marija Lucic (Delivery Hero), Kerstin Schiessler (Havas Media), Julia Taxer (Havas Media), Jasmine Haider (Gewista) 


Press contacts:
Philip Haubner
Head of Marketing at Gewista
Tel: +43 676 6968544
Mail: philip.haubner@gewista.at

Marc Hable
UNIQUE relations
Tel: +43 (0)1 8775543 - 48
Mail: marc.hable@unique-relations.at

Published in 2022