Almdudler and Gewista stage first 360° customer journey campaign | Gewista
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The outdoor advertising company Gewista, Austria's number 1 in Out-Of-Home agency, launches a 360° customer approach into a new era of digital outdoor advertising with its new unit, "Shopping Center Advertising."

Almdudler beverage company is the prime mover, the first company to sign on for this innovative and holistic concept, offering its target group a new, unique customer journey experience in the Out-Of-Home sector as part of the "Almdudler Wanderlust" campaign.

Advertisers in Austria's two largest shopping centers, the Donau Zentrum and the Shopping City Süd (SCS), now have the opportunity to showcase their brands in a high-impact way by means of new Digital City Lights by Gewista at high-traffic locations to reach target groups directly at the Point of Sale.  The Donau Zentrum is the clear No. 1 retail venue in Vienna and the Shopping Center Süd is considered the largest shopping destination in Austria.  Every year, about 44 million shoppers visit these two premium centers of the Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield Group.

In addition to the Digital City Lights, promotion and sampling campaigns are placed at selected locations of the shopping centers.  Associated advertising media placements around the journey to these largest shopping centers, consisting of selected posters, City Lights, Rolling Boards and large display surfaces, complete the successful customer messaging experience.

The possibility of addressing target groups in a holistic way, upon arrival and directly in front of the store, efficiently covers all touchpoints of the customer journey with the brand and thus has a positive impact on both brand image and purchase decision-making.

A customer journey is the entire experience a customer has while communicating with a brand. It considers the complete interaction roadmap from brand discovery to purchase and beyond.

Almdudler demonstrated just how such an Out-of-Home customer journey can be perfectly implemented, with a high-reach and sales-promoting 360° campaign on the theme of "Wanderlust." As Austria's most popular and innovative Alpine herbal lemonade beverage, Almdudler invites customers to enjoy the summer and the wonderful mountain world together with family, friends and like-minded people. The campaign is being promoted in both the Donau Zentrum and the SCS using two digital Almdudler spots as part of a 60-second exclusive booking on the Digital City Light screens, including promotion and sampling activities in both shopping centers.  In addition, the coveted target group will be tracked and accompanied on their way to the Donau Zentrum and the SCS by high-reach advertising media placed around these centers, consisting of City Lights, Rolling Boards, Billboards and Megaboards. Another campaign highlight is an eye-catching brand area in the highly frequented Stephansplatz subway station, which is also complemented by a refreshing Almdudler beverage sampling campaign.

“With our ‘Wanderlust’ promotional campaign, we are whetting people's appetites for the beautiful mountain world and the shared pleasure of hiking with our refreshing Almdudler beverage. We are proud to be the first to implement this innovative concept and offer our customers a new customer journey experience. In this way, we bring attention-getting variety to the Point-of-Sale, while ensuring strong customer purchasing impulses," explains Claus Hofmann-Credner, Head of Marketing, Almdudler.

"We are very pleased," says Gewista CSO Andrea Groh, "to have won Almdudler, a traditional and at the same time innovative partner, as the prime mover for our new 360° customer journey concept. Almdudler fully exploits the entire spectrum of advertising potential of shopping center advertising and impressively demonstrates how the combined use of our advertising media can help to efficiently reach the target group along their mobile customer journey, from arrival to directly inside the store."

Photo. From left to right: Valerie Semorad (Team Leader Brand Management, Almdudler), Claus Hofmann-Credner (Marketing Manager, Almdudler), Andrea Groh (CSO, Gewista), Heike Fischer (Shopping Center Advertising Manager, Gewista). 



Client: Almdudler
Campaign: „Almdudler Wanderlust“
Duration: 16.08.-29.08.21
Booked WT: Digitale City Lights DZ, SCS, Brand Area Stephansplatz; Arrival Network (City Lights; Plakat; Rolling Boards; Großflächen) SCS, DZ; Promotion/Sampling Stephansplatz, DZ, SCS

Press contact:
Philip Haubner
Head of Marketing
Mobile: +43 676 6968544


Published in 2021