Heike Fischer Heads New Gewista "Shopping Center Advertising" Unit | Gewista
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Vienna, September 1, 2021Marketing and sales expert Heike Fischer is now responsible for Gewista’s new "Shopping Center Advertising" business.

This newly founded business unit manages advertising space in the two largest shopping centers in Austria, the Donau Zentrum and the Shopping City Süd (SCS), which together account for 44 million visitors annually.

Many years of experience as a founder in marketing and sales

Andrea Groh, Chief Sales Officer of Gewista is pleased about this addition to the team. "In Heike Fischer, we have found a manager who feels at home in both marketing and sales. She is exactly the right person to make our new unit a success story. Heike Fischer knows exactly how to create the perfect presentation of brands in shopping centers and how to reach and engage their target groups," Ms. Groh said.  In addition to her experience in Austria and Eastern Europe, the new Shopping Center Advertising Manager Heike Fischer distinguished herself by her accomplishments.  For more than 10 years, she was the successful driving force in a promotional agency.  She has years of experience in Point-of-Sale (POS) advertising and has done pioneering marketing communications work since the introduction of elevator advertising in shopping centers.

Shopping Center Advertising: 360° customer reach.  An inside approach, directly at POS

 "I very much look forward to this new opportunity and see great potential in the marketing of our brand-new Digital City Lights. In addition, by expanding our portfolio, we can offer our clients a holistic 360° brand presence with a wide reach. We are already starting the consumer journey with a targeted selection of advertising media around the two largest Westfield Premium Shopping Centers in Austria. High-impact promotional activities strengthen the interaction with the consumers and bring the target group directly to the POS message with the goal of increasing sales conversions in the stores.  It’s a win-win undertaking which ultimately benefits everyone," says Heike Fischer about her plans for Gewista's new unit.

Franz Solta, CEO of Gewista, sees great potential in Shopping Center Advertising. "Our international group, JCDecaux, gives us the benchmark in the marketing of shopping malls.  Digitalization and targeting are currently probably the most important trends in a successful marketing strategy. Technology and data can be applied to create the increasingly important interaction with the local community. Now, for the first time in Austria, Gewista has a presence in this strategically important business category.  Of course, we will continually expand our market leadership in this sector and generate additional, added value for our clients," he said.

Donau Zentrum and Shopping Center Süd as pioneers

With a combined total of more than 560 stores and traffic greater than 44 million visitors per year, these two largest shopping centers have contracted for Gewista’s new 360° advertising format. Gewista covers the entire customer journey in and around shopping centers, utilizing the display spaces in the centers, such as digital city lights, promotional spaces and elevator advertising, as well as the advertising spaces in the surrounding environment.  Sampling activities can be included in the package to give targeted consumers a tactile touch or taste brand experience. A large part of the customers of the two shopping centers are in the affluent age group between 35 and 59, who spend an average of more than 100 Euros per purchase. Gewista recently demonstrated the full potential of this new advertising form in a campaign for Almdudler, the beverage company. The campaign is advertised on the Digital City Light surfaces, plus promotion and sampling activities. In addition, the target group is already tracked and accompanied on their way to the Donau Zentrum or the Shopping Center Süd by high-reach advertising media around these centers, consisting of City Lights, Rolling Boards, Billboards and Megaboards.

Photo: Heike Fischer with Digital City Light in the Donau Zentrum, Vienna's largest shopping center


Press contact:
Philip Haubner
Head of Marketing 
Tel: +43 676 6968544
Mail: philip.haubner@gewista.at

Marc Hable
UNIQUE relations
Tel: +43 (0)1 8775543 – 48
Mail: marc.hable@unique-relations.at

Published in 2021