Habitat Vienna: Gewista and Dominic Thiem get the bees buzzing in the city | Gewista
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Partnering with Gewista and Dominic Thiem, the social enterprise campaign BioBienenApfel wants to make people aware that everyone can make a contribution to create a habitat for bees, those "heroes of nature," to thrive in the warm weather and hibernate in the winter.

In addition to being “at home” at the edge of the forest or in a meadow, bees also nest in the urban centers of our country.  Urban gardens, balconies and windowsills, in particular, can all provide an ideal bee habitat.

As the second-highest ranked tennis player in Austrian history, Dominic Thiem is famous.  And, so is the BioBienenApfel society project!  Austria's tennis star Theim is promoting the protection of bees utilizing Gewista Digital City Lights. "We have to think big, because it requires a social re-think. People are responsible for many problems, but together we can also solve them.  Everyone has a role," says the BioBienenApfel ambassador Thiem about his motivation to personify the campaign and give the message of the bees his voice and face. The campaign will also be seen in many cities in Austria in the coming months as part of the BioBienenApfel project.

Franz Solta, CEO of Gewista, is pleased to support the project. "With five insect hotels on the back of a rolling board, we have created urban habitat for bees in an innovative way. With this along with a campaign on our digital screens, we are creating awareness of an important issue," said Mr. Solta.

At first glance, a person would probably consider urban areas as something other than a paradise for bees.  But, if one takes a closer look, it’s clear that bees also feel at home in Austria's cities.  Bees typically love the urban environment, which is warmer by 3 to 4 degrees C than elsewhere. For example, about 200 million bees live in Vienna, alone, where there are various species of wild bees as well as the more familiar honey bees.  Some 700 city beekeepers care for the 6,000 urban bee colonies in the national capital, Vienna.

Creating new habitats for bees and protecting them is not just the task of beekeepers.  Anyone and everyone can support and participate in this BioBienenApfel project, even with a single flower box on a windowsill or balcony. Every square meter counts. "With annual and especially perennial flower plantings, important food oases are created that ensure the survival of our pollinators," confirms bee management consultant DI Theresa Frühwirth from the Bee Center, Upper Austria.

The city offers certain advantages as a habitat for bees.  Unlike in rural regions, there are few monocultures in the city, so the bee colonies can find a diverse selection of flowers. "The richer the diversity of the flowers, the richer it is for the pollinators, the bees," says Theresa Frühwirth.  In the city, questionable insecticides, pesticides and herbicides are used less.  The result?  Beneficial insects are therefore less affected or endangered.  In this context, bees can produce excellent regional city honey, which is considered "aromatic and low in pollutants," as the Viennese city beekeepers point out.


Rolling Board mit Insektenhotels

Photo: Gewista CEO Franz Solta (left) and Manfred Hohensinner (Managing Director Frutura)


Press contact:
Philip Haubner
Head of Marketing 
Tel: +43 676 6968544
Mail: philip.haubner@gewista.at

Marc Hable
UNIQUE relations
Tel: +43 (0)1 8775543 – 48
Mail: marc.hable@unique-relations.at

Published in 2021