The ÖAMTC is "always by my side" | Gewista
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The ÖAMTC's brand presence has been enriched by a creative media campaign with the impressive branding of an Ultra-Low Floor (ULF) streetcar of Wiener Linien / Vienna tram lines, displaying a dynamic sign promoting awareness of Austria's largest mobility club.


A ULF streetcar of Wiener Linien tram line now shines in the bright yellow branding-color of ÖAMTC. This impressive branding display depicts people in their various modes of mobility with the message, "the ÖAMTC is always there for you, no matter how you are traveling."

"ÖAMTC represents multi-mobility in urban areas. With this bright, eye-catching streetcar branding, we are once again demonstrating the versatility of our range of services for all people who are on-the-go," explains Ernst Kloboucnik, ÖAMTC's Country Director for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland.

For many years, the mobility club has been constantly expanding its range of services. ÖAMTC is multi-modal, on the move, and would like to remind its members of this dynamic development as well as inform future members and inspire them to join the club.

Win a Wiener Linien annual ticket and ÖAMTC easy way voucher

The branding campaign "Always by my side - now up to 3 months for free!" can be seen and heard in classic media TV and radio spots, as well as on various billboards. Throughout Austria, the campaign reinforces the good feeling that, for its members the mobility club is "always by your side.”  ÖAMTC also promises new club members up to three months of full protection for free this year if they enroll now in an annual membership for 2022.

In addition to the ÖAMTC branding on the entire ULF streetcar, there is a large ÖAMTC online competition. Active social media users can win an annual ticket for the Wiener Linien worth 365 euros and a voucher for the use of the ÖAMTC easy way e-mopeds, also worth 365 euros!

How?  Simply take a picture of the ÖAMTC streetcar, post it on Facebook or Instagram and link to ÖAMTC via @oeamtc and #raffle.

The mobility club for multi-mobile people.  A clear message.

"Today, we are all-mobile in many ways.  ÖAMTC is a partner in everyday life and a helper in emergencies," explains Kloboucnik. The tram branding makes it clear that ÖAMTC offers a wide range of services and has offers for people who are mobile in many different ways. Whether for bicycle enthusiasts, moped riders, people who ride scooters, or those who walk and use public transportation, the ÖAMTC slogan is, ‘Always there for you, no matter how you’re traveling on the road.’"

"A ULF branding campaign must include clear imagery so that its message is quickly recognizable.  And, it must be impressive. This is exactly what ÖAMTC manages to accomplish wonderfully with the familiar, bright yellow branding color and pictorial images of mobile people," says an enthusiastic Andrea Groh, Chief Sales Officer at Gewista.

The long ULF streetcar, in the expressive branding designed by ÖAMTC, will be seen on several tram lines in Vienna until December.

Photo. From left to right: Theresa Sternbach (Key Account Manager, Gewista), Ernst Kloboucnik (Director, ÖAMTC), Gerald Schütz (Key Account Manager, Gewista).


The mobility club ÖAMTC

The ÖAMTC (Austrian Automobile, Motorcycle and Touring Club) is the largest mobility club in Austria and actively participates in a worldwide network of mobility clubs. It is an economically and politically independent association. For ÖAMTC, the focus is on providing services for its 2.3 million members.  The club is a contact partner for all mobility-related issues, those in everyday life as well as in emergency situations, and a promoter of its members' interests. More than 4,000 employees work to accomplish this. Throughout Austria, the ÖAMTC operates 115 bases, eight driving tech centers and 17 emergency helicopter locations.

Published in 2021