Open letter to Minister Mückstein | Gewista
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Open letter to Minister Mückstein: Gewista reaches young people better than average

Vienna, October 25, 2021

During the ZIB 2 broadcast of October, 20, 2021, Wolfgang Mückstein commented on Gewista. According to Federal Minister Mückstein, it is not possible to reach young people via Gewista outdoor advertising. Franz Solta, CEO of Gewista, has now countered this statement with an open letter, which follows.

[Note: The title ZIB, an abbreviation of Zeit im Bild, is roughly translated as The Time in the Picture, and is a program on ORF 2, Austrian Broadcasting].

Dear Dr. Mückstein,

I listened with interest to your interview on ZIB 2 on October, 20. You want to motivate young people to get the Corona vaccination, but you said that you believe "the [young] do not look at Gewista billboards." Dear Dr. Mückstein, the opposite is true! Especially in regard to the young target group, which is reached better by Gewista media than by any other media genre.  So, for a successful vaccination campaign, which should also reach young people effectively, outdoor advertising is an indispensable tool. The medium thrives on mobility, which is very substantial among the younger age group.

Outdoor advertising reaches young people better than social media

The Ambient Meter Study (see chart below) shows this clearly: Screens in shopping streets or subway corridors and City Lights reach young people better than radio, television, daily newspapers and even social media. Our many clients rely on outdoor advertising for high-impact advertising across all target groups. It's no coincidence that clients with young target groups constantly use our digital screens and city lights in their campaigns.

I would like to invite you and your team to a meeting to introduce you to the innovative power of Gewista. We are much more than just posters. With conviction, I can say that a targeted Gewista outdoor advertising campaign could make a significant contribution to motivating young people to get vaccinated.

Yours sincerely,

Franz Solta

ZIB 2 from October 20, 2021 here to watch (from minute 14:22 it becomes exciting).

Published in 2021